Sue Beck's Boating Resume

More About Me
Sue found herself with a powerboat and a snipe sailboat. Without much knowledge of either vehicle, she took the USPS Boat Safety Course with Neptune Sail & Power Squadron. That first course increased her desire to learn more. She continued on to Seamanship, Piloting, Advanced Piloting, Sail, Weather, Cruise Planning and plans to continue her education in the fall with the next Navigator course.
Sue is ISAF certified. Noteworthy trips include a sail to Bermuda on a Beneteau Oceanis 423 and Island hopping the Leeward Islands of the Caribbean on a Hallberg Rassey 40.
On Tuesday’s you can find Sue racing in Northport Bay.

Boating Safety and United States Power Squadron Seminars
USPS Certifications
Boating Safety Instructor.
Took These USPS Courses
Advanced Piloting
Cruise Planning